On Saturday-Sunday night, two crucial bridges on Central Railway Mumbai made strides ahead. While phase one of the Nahur road widening bridge was completed with the new lanes set to soon open for traffic, the sixth foot over bridge at Thane station also completed two spans of girder launches last night. “Yes, we completed a few major works last night that included widening of Nahur bridge by launching girders and completing its phase one and also launching spans of a sixth foot over bridge at Thane station,” a CR spokesperson said.
The Nahur Road over the bridge is one of the crucial feeder routes as it links the proposed Goregaon-Mulund Link Road and the existing arterial LBS Road in the west to Eastern Express Highway in the east over rail lines and also Navi Mumbai at Airoli junction across the creek. The stretch over the rail lines at present is a very narrow one and a real bottleneck with immense traffic jams and the authorities’ converting footpaths on both sides of the road into a vehicular road by levelling it. This road bridge widened to eight lanes, and a new one proposed over rail lines at Bhandup go a long way in improving east-west connectivity in the eastern suburbs.
Source : Mid-day