The congested L ward will get a bit greener as a reserved plot at Sangharsh Nagar in Chandivli will be converted into a park while Gandhi Maidan in Kurla West, which had seen much encroachment, will also be spruced up. BMC will spend Rs 5.36 crore to develop these parks and the work will begin soon
The plot at Sangharsh Nagar is about 8,093 square metres in area. “Equipment and facilities will be made available there for cricket, kabaddi, volleyball and mallakhamb. There will be a play area for children and a walkway,” said a BMC official. A large part of the Gandhi Maidan had been encroached upon but thanks to the efforts of local residents and activists Anna Prabhudesai and Anil Galgali, the civic body removed all illegal structures
Source: Mid Day