The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) is embarking on a quest for Rs 200 billion in loans to fuel the implementation of a diverse array of infrastructure projects across the sprawling Mumbai Metropolitan Region. With an expenditure estimate of Rs 287.05 billion earmarked for the current fiscal year (2023-24), MMRDA’s ambitious agenda encompasses pivotal initiatives like Metro corridors, the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link, Versova-Vasai Sea Bridge, and the subterranean route connecting the Eastern Freeway and Marine Drive.
Facing the financial strain of monumental projects slated for this decade, MMRDA officials emphasised the necessity of seeking substantial funding. Government sources have disclosed that SBI Capital Markets is tasked with soliciting expressions of interest (EOI) from potential lenders to furnish rupee-denominated debt for MMRDA. SBI Capital will receive 0.25 per cent of the raised amount as a fund-raising fee.
Source : Construction World