Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s new Union Cabinet made a bold decision just hours after taking office for a historic third consecutive term on June 10: to support the construction of an additional three crore rural and urban homes under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY). The goal of this large-scale project is to support the government’s “Housing for All” initiative.
The president of NAREDCO Maharashtra, Prashant Sharma, expressed strong support for this project. He declared, “We applaud the Cabinet’s decision to support the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) in building three crore more rural and urban homes. This program will surely support the real estate industry, especially in the cheap housing market, and is a major step toward realizing the goal of “Housing for All.” Millions of people’s living standards will rise as a result of the greater emphasis on rural and urban housing, which will also provide a significant number of new job opportunities and support general economic expansion. At NAREDCO Maharashtra, we’re dedicated to helping this initiative and anticipate working with the government to make sure this big project is carried out successfully.
Source – Mumbai Live