On Monday night, a wall collapse in the Kalbadevi Chira Bazaar district of Mumbai left two laborers dead and one injured. At approximately 5:20 PM, a 30-foot-long and roughly 5- to 7-foot-high compound wall abruptly collapsed in the Gandhi building’s corridor between two buildings.
Few workers who were nearby were trapped by the fall, which prompted an immediate response from the authorities. Soon after the disaster, the rescue teams got on the spot and started their search to make sure nobody was still buried beneath the debris.
Initially, three persons were pulled from the scene of the tragedy and taken to GT Hospital. Two of the fatalities, who were both thirty years old, were, however, pronounced “brought dead” when they arrived. Medical officials state that the third victim, a 19-year-old, is undergoing treatment at the hospital and is in a stable condition.
Source: India TV